
November 3, 2013

Ponyboy and Johnny

If you ain't read the Outsiders, stop right here. Also, this whole thing finds its jumping-off point in this wonderful video.

Ponyboy, they say I ain't gon' walk again. They say I ain't long for this world. But ya know somethin', Ponyboy? Ya know somethin'?

Ya was always my right-hand man in this a-here syndicate. Ya killed sixty in cold blood by my latest count, prolly more like se'enty if ya factor in the rumble. But I seein' a change in ya, Ponyboy. I seein' a future filled with a wife and kids and a future and shit. Ya read books and, well, goddamn if yr eyes ain't blue as shit. You unfathomably suave and smooth motherfucker. Burst into a bank like it was nothing, you ruthless, heartless motherfucker. I want to be you. I love you, Ponyboy, and yr childlike ways. You're gold when you're a kid, man. And I seein' a change in ya. And before I go, I ain't fixin to leave this unsaid. So here goes.

Never stop hustling. Never, Ponyboy. No matter what. You can't stop hustling. Ya have to keep your shakedowns as regular as church and your grifts as smooth as pudding. Goddamn it, I had so much left to do Ponyboy, and ya thought of so many great capers. I want ya ta know that planning your capers with ya was the best part, y'know, besides getting someone wet once in awhile. Ponyboy, I never seen a motherfucker torture with such glee as you, and I never found a better planner. The world is a big grind and a sucker's born every minute. And if you're not quick some other motherfucker will get'cha. Ya feel me? If ya snap for a seven, just know that you've committed deadly sins before and kept on running. So: Never stop hustling, never stop bending the world to your will. The power ya wield is immense but a power that isn't active does not dull; no, Ponyboy, that power dies. So live as large as you are and live like that every day. Take down everyone that stands in your way. And, in the end, you'll find that the only obstacle left is government, and then you'll find the ultimate grift, the ultimate con: Running for office.

Ponyboy, listen to me. I know ya want to settle down, some. I've seen the bank statements and you've always lived like a fucking pauper. But the only way a man is alive is through the ruthless application of power, and y'have it, and ya will have it, and I hope y'always will.

I'm gonna die now, but before I do, Ponyboy, you remember that Robert Frost poem you used to read to me? I ain't never read much before but it really spoke to me, hell, speaks to me now. "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire." And, like, that hate would also work. Y'feel me, Ponyboy? But here's the thing... you mix fire and ice and all you're left with is water and dust, and isn't that just the whole fuckin' planet? The world is yours. But don't listen to me, do what ya want: Y'can set fire to what you've built or y'can skate on ice the rest of yr life. But just remember: The world won't end if ya get a few more people wet. Keep that fire, and keep that icy cool air as ya walk into a room.

I expect a full accounting of your capers when I meet you in hell. Stay gold.

They stare at one another for awhile. After a few minutes, Johnny winks and smiles his last, revealing his gold tooth. Ponyboy extracts the tooth before calling the nurses in.

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