Do you remember John Goodman? I hate to cut in, mid-scene, but the narrative demands it. We are in a motel room and John Goodman, burning, walks in.
Anyway, the fire is burning all over the motel but John Goodman appears to be unaffected by the smoke or flames, (naturally, given his extraordinary nature) even as the foundation of the motel may be destructed. In your mind I want you to try and turn the fire surrounding the man into an aura of power. Yes, let's take this image to the next level. First picture the fire, in its complexity and red-hot hydra-legs reaching out in every direction.. But now that fire is also a 60 foot radius of undiluted, spherical, visible and translucent energy. You can see him but it blurs his face a bit. Alright, so it is red-orange pure power surrounding a smiling John Goodman who is carrying a shotgun. Just for fun let's also put him in his red and white flannel and his jeans and maybe overalls. Still surrounded by a red-orange glow.